Annual Economic Report 2020 - Statistics associated with the graphs

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Chapter I: data behind the graphs (xlsx)  
I.1 Covid-19 pandemic: the timeline p 2
I.A   Macroeconomic and health outcomes from simple macro-SIR model p 3
I.2 Containment measures hit economic activity p 5
I.3 Analysts expect a very deep recession in 2020 p 5
I.4 Unemployment soars p 6
I.B Large parts of the corporate sector face a major funding shortfall p 7
I.5 Staggered shutdowns and traffic bottlenecks disrupt global supply chains p 9
I.6 Oil prices drag down economic activity, exports and fiscal revenues p 10
I.7 Markets faced several weeks of high volatility as the pandemic worsened p 11
I.8 A sudden stop in market funding p 12
I.9 Deleveraging left households in better shape than in 2008 p 13
I.10 Corporate strength and vulnerability p 14
I.11 EMEs vulnerable to tightening in global financial conditions p 15
I.12 Rating agencies downgrade corporates; investors withdraw funds p 16
I.13 Banks entered the Covid-19 crisis with significantly more capital than pre-GFC p 17
I.14 Banks under pressure p 18
I.C Investors anticipate large losses in real estate markets p 19
I.15 Swift and forceful response p 22
I.D Cash transfers to informal workers p 25
I.16 Pledged fiscal packages p 27
I.17 Institutional factors and corporate vulnerabilities drive the fiscal response p 27
I.18 Fiscal space is tight in some places p 28
I.19 Fiscal deficits and debt ratios will soar p 28
I.E.1 Passenger transport has yet to reach pre-virus levels p 30
I.E.2 Production and consumption data suggest recovery is on track p 31
Chapter II: data behind the graphs (xlsx)  
II.1   Swift and forceful response p 38
II.2 Post-Great Financial Crisis changes in financial structure and tensions in money market funds p 41
II.3 Asset purchases alleviate strains p 42
II.4 Little divergence between policy and reference rates amid funding tensions p 43
II.A Dealer balance sheet constraints exacerbate tensions in the US Treasury market p 44
II.5 Low profitability and price-to-book ratios hinder banks' willingness to lend p 46
II.6 Bank credit line buffers p 47
II.7 Global US dollar funding squeeze p 48
II.8 Perfect storm in emerging market economies p 51
II.9 Changing nature of foreign exposure p 52
II.C Responses to announcements of bond purchases p 53
II.10 Central banks' rapid crisis response p 55
II.D Macroeconomic scenarios and additional lending supported by usable buffers p 59
II.11 Near-term inflation risks tilted downwards and outlook more uncertain p 61
II.12 Growing central bank presence p 62
Chapter III: data behind the graphs (xlsx)  
III.1   Financial inclusion and access are improving, but gaps remain p 72
III.2 Costs of payments are higher for some economies, users and instruments p 74
III.D Payment behaviour is changing in the pandemic p 76
III.4 Digital platforms differ from traditional networks p 78
III.5 Digital technologies can help support inclusion and convenience p 80
III.6 Merger and acquisition (M&A) activity by selected global payment platforms p 83
III.7 Mandating change: policy interventions can lower payment costs p 84
III.8 Default Interchange fees are significantly lower after policy action p 85
III.9 Digital payments create a data trail, bringing both risks and benefits p 86
III.10 CBDC: an increasingly likely option p 88

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