Jeanette R Semeleer: Financial stability for climate resilience - perspectives and pathways by the Central Bank of Aruba
Opening remarks by Ms Jeanette R Semeleer, President of the Central Bank of Aruba, for the presentation by IMF Executive Director, Dr Paul Hilbers, Oranjestad, 14 May 2024.
The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.
Esteemed Excellencies, our Supervisory Board members, CEO's, Directors, and Colleagues.
Bon tardi y bon bini na Banco Central di Aruba.
Allow me to extend a special welcome to our guest of honor, Dr. Paul Hilbers, Executive Director at the IMF.
You honor us with your visit at a critical juncture in our development as an island nation, as well as at the CBA. Permit me a few minutes to set the scenery, and share with you a few perspectives of, and pathways by the CBA on financial stability and climate change.
As a light prelude, and using a bit of our imagination, here we see two pictures of two "institutions":
On the left, we see the CBA, as the authority and regulator of our "monetary crown jewels"