Christian Hawkesby: Towards good governance in the financial system of Aotearoa

Speech (virtual) by Mr Christian Hawkesby, Deputy Governor and General Manager of Financial Stability of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, to the Institute of Directors, 7 September 2023. 

The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.

Central bank speech  | 
12 September 2023

To all authorities, all voices, to the many chiefs gathered here. Behold the breath of life!

E nga rangatira
Karanga mai
Mihi mai
Whakatau mai
Tena koutou katoa

(Thank you to the leadership of the Institute of Directors who have called us here; who have welcomed us here; who have looked after us here. Thank you very much)

I am delighted to be with you this morning, both as Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and as a fellow member of the Institute of Directors.

In recent years, I have presented to the Institute of Directors a number of times, at the annual conference and at branch functions around the country. Some of the topics I've covered have been the Māori Economy , Financial Inclusion2 and the Future of Money. All of these issues are at the heart of central banking in New Zealand. They are also topics that I've found directors and trustees are very keen to understand for their roles.

Today I am here to discuss a topic at the very heart of the governance and the territory of the Institute of Directors – the path towards good governance in the financial sector of Aotearoa.