Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile: Widening financial inclusion to support and spread Uganda's economic growth
Remarks delivered by Dr Louis Kasekende, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Uganda, on behalf of Prof Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile, Governor of the Bank of Uganda, at the Closure of the Financial Inclusion Week Get-Together, Kampala, 31 October2018.
The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.
Representatives of our Development Partners,
Our guest speaker, Ms Catherine Wines,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening!
Allow me to begin by thanking everyone at Financial Sector Deepening Uganda for the work they have done to organise this event and also to commend our keynote speaker, Catherine Wines, for the very insightful speech that we have just heard.
In recent years, financial inclusion has become a very prominent component of the overall agenda for financial sector development, and it is worth taking a few moments to consider why this is the case. I believe that there are two main reasons for the priority now accorded to financial inclusion in the financial development agenda.