Thomas Jordan: Third Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture - Introduction of Otmar Issing
Text of the Third Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture by Mr Thomas Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 20 September 2018.
The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am very pleased to welcome you all to the third Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture. In this Lecture Series, the Swiss National Bank pays tribute to academics whose research is of particular relevance for central banking.
This year, we are expressing our appreciation of an outstanding monetary policy theorist and practitioner, an independent mind and a leading voice in economic affairs. From this description, you may doubt that I am talking about just one person. But I am. That person is, of course, Otmar Issing.