François Groepe: Pursuing structural reforms in the interest of inclusive growth
Address by Mr François Groepe, Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank, at the RMB Morgan Stanley Investor Conference, Cape Town, 25 September 2018.
The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
It is a pleasure to be with you today and to share the stage with such an illustrious group of speakers.
Today, I would like to discuss what has been a recurring theme in our economic discourse for the past decade - the pursuit of structural reforms in the interest of inclusive growth. It is top of mind for investors, businesses, labour unions, academics and policymakers alike, including the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). It has also attracted a wide range of research and analysis, most prominently the National Planning Commission's diagnostic report, and has been central to the proposed government policy interventions as captured within the National Development Plan (NDP).