Caroline Abel: Launch of the Financial Markets Index
Keynote address by Ms Caroline Abel, Governor of Central Bank of Seychelles, at the Launch of the Financial Markets Index, Eden Island, 12 April 2018.
The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.
Good afternoon.
It is an honour and indeed, a great pleasure for me to be afforded the opportunity to address this forum, which is launching the Barclays Africa Group Financial Markets Index 2017.
The development of financial markets is of the utmost importance for the development of the economy. I am not the first to make this statement, nor will I be the last. It is a fact that cannot be over-emphasised, as a stable and well developed financial market is a key part of the foundation for a healthy economy.
The Index that is being launched today, provides us with a good analysis of the state of affairs of the financial markets in Africa. Most importantly for Seychelles, it provides us with a marker of where we are and the areas which we need to focus on in order to increase the level and efficiency of our financial market.