Frank Elderson: Let the future of finance be that of financing the future

Closing remarks by Mr Frank Elderson, Executive Director of the Netherlands Bank, at the first International Climate Risk Conference for Supervisors, Amsterdam, 6 April 2018.

The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.

Central bank speech  | 
03 May 2018
PDF version
 |  2 pages

With Mark Carney's speech, we have come to an end to today's conference. Before we move on to the much deserved reception with drinks and snacks, please allow me to share a few closing thoughts with you. 

I would first of all like to thank the ACPR and Bank of England for co-organizing this event with us. Without their commitment and hard work, we would have never such an impressive line-up of speakers: more than 35 different speakers, moderators and panelists! I want to thank in particular the organizing committee, consisting of representatives of our three organizations for all their hard work. And I want to thank you all for coming here, from all corners of the globe.

We hope, as do all NGFS members, that this conference has inspired you. And that you will go home motivated to take the next steps for integrating green finance into supervisory practices. And if you get back home, and you want to get to work, but you are also unsure how to start: know that the NGFS is open for business and that we very much welcome applications from those willing to enthusiastically contribute to the work of the NGFS.