Mark Carney: A fine balance
Speech by Mr Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England and Chairman of the Financial Stability Board, at the Lord Mayor's Banquet for Bankers and Merchants of the City of London, Mansion House, London, 20 June 2017.
The views expressed in this speech are those of the speaker and not the view of the BIS.
I. Introduction
My Lord Mayor, Chancellor, ladies and gentlemen.
In recent weeks, we have been reminded of fine balances: in decisions, in parliament, in life. The fine balance between hope and despair.
Despair at the murder of Jo Cox. Hope in her remarkable life of service - an inspiration that lives on in her family, friends, colleagues and many admirers.
Despair at the terrorist attacks in Manchester, Borough Market and Finsbury Park. Despair at the tragedy of Grenfell Tower.
Hope in the heroism, resiliency and the community of the responses. Hope when we recognise our common humanity.
The best tribute this City and this Country can give to the memories of those lost is to renew our shared commitment - whatever our differences - to promote the common good.
This includes pursuing a Brexit, and building an economy, that works for all.