Alexandre Lamfalussy Senior Research Fellowship - Appointment 2024
The Bank for International Settlements announces the appointment of Harold James as the Alexandre Lamfalussy Senior Research Fellow for 2024. Harold James, the Claude and Lore Kelly Professor in European Studies at Princeton University, Professor of History and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School, and an associate at the Bendheim Center for Finance.
Professor James is an economic historian, specialising in the history of Germany, Europe and globalisation. His books include a study of the interwar depression in Germany (1986); International Monetary Cooperation Since Bretton Woods (1996); The End of Globalization (2001); The Creation and Destruction of Value: The Globalization Cycle (2009) and Making the European Monetary Union (2012); Seven Crashes (2023) shortlisted for 2024 Lionel Gelber Prize.
He is the official historian of the International Monetary Fund and a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation. In 2004, he was awarded the Helmut Schmidt Prize for Economic History, and in 2005 the Ludwig Erhard Prize for writing about economics.
The Alexandre Lamfalussy Senior Research Fellowship is awarded annually to internationally recognised experts in the fields of banking, monetary policy and financial stability. The Lamfalussy Fellow conducts research on a topic relevant to the BIS, collaborating with BIS colleagues and making use of the extensive networks and resources available at the Bank. This is the 10th fellowship award.