Fellowship programmes

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) carries out research to shed light on issues of core interest to the central bank community, to support meetings of Governors and other central bank officials, and to provide analytical backing for the activities of the various Basel-based committees. The Monetary and Economic Department (MED) contributes to these tasks by conducting research on monetary and financial stability, monetary economics, macroeconomics and finance, financial markets, central bank governance and other institutional issues.

We are pleased to invite members of academia, central bank research economists and internationally recognised experts in the fields of banking, monetary policy and financial stability to visit the BIS for a period ranging from a few days to three months through one of the following fellowship programmes:

BIS Research Fellowship (BISRF)

The programme is aimed at internationally recognised economists from academia and research institutions with an outstanding publication record.

Central Bank Research Fellowship (CBRF)

The programme is aimed at BIS member central bank research economists who wish to develop a policy-oriented research project at the BIS.

Alexandre Lamfalussy Senior Research Fellowship

The programme is aimed at leading senior professionals in academia and research institutions with an outstanding publication record and a strong interest in policy-oriented research.

PhD Fellowship

The programme is aimed at students who are currently enrolled in a PhD programme in economics, finance or related fields and who wish to develop a research project at the BIS.