Ten years after the Great Financial Crisis: what has changed?

BIS Papers  |  No 103  | 
04 July 2019

The 17th BIS Annual Conference took place in Zurich, Switzerland, on 22 June 2018. The event brought together a distinguished group of central bank Governors, leading academics and former public officials to exchange views on the topic "Ten years after the Great Financial Crisis: what has changed?". The papers presented at the conference and the discussants' comments are released as BIS Working Papers No 790, 791, 792 and 793.

BIS Papers No 103 contains Panel remarks by Mervyn King (former Governor, Bank of England) and Anne Le Lorier (former First Deputy Governor, Bank of France) and a resulting Panel discussion between Agustín Carstens and them.

Are international banks different? Evidence on bank performance and strategy, BIS Working Papers No 790
by Ata Can Bertay, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt and Harry Huizinga
Comments by Tobias Adrian

Has globalization changed the inflation process?, BIS Working Papers No 791
by Kristin Forbes

Is the financial system sufficiently resilient: a research programme and policy agenda, BIS Working Papers No 792
by Paul Tucker
Comments by Gary Gorton and by Nellie Liang

Global real rates: a secular approachBIS Working Papers No 793
by Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Hélène Rey
Comments by Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan and by Gianluca Benigno