Welcome to the redesigned BIS website
We hope you like it. Most of all, we want to make visiting our website a more pleasant experience for you.
Improved navigation and filters
We've made it simpler for you to get around. We improved the navigation based on your feedback. And introduced new filtering options, making it easier to find the publication or speech you're after.
Tip: Check out the new megamenus at the top, as well as the new filtering options on the Central bankers' speeches page.
If you're a regular visitor to the Basel Committee's pages, you'll be pleased to see that navigating around the wealth of documentation there is now easier.
Tip: Check out the "Summary of document history" header on BCBS publications pages for quick access to previous (or subsequent) versions.
The filters on the BCBS publications page have also been improved.
Easier to read content
You've told us that our pages have been hard to read. As a result, we've reviewed our most important pages, cutting down on the number of words and using new appealing visual elements to make them easier to read.
Tip: Check out the redesigned Research & publications page.
"You might also be interested in"
We have a lot of content. In fact, since the website was launched in 1996, we've never deleted anything, and links to our website have remained intact since the beginning. There's so much there that, in the past, you may not have been aware that we had more information to offer. Look for the new "You might be also interested in" section at the bottom of pages, guiding you towards related information.
Tip: Check out the redesigned About committees and associations page.
We'd like to know what you think. Send your comments or queries to webmaster@bis.org.
Don't forget that you can follow us on X, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Sign up too for our monthly newsletter which showcases our recent speeches, economic research and statistics.