Between Basle and Berlin
Keynote AddressWilliam R White
Session 1
Issues PaperJack Selody
Banco de Mexico's experience in measuring the risk position in Mexican pesos of foreign investors and its relevance for Monetary PolicySamuel Alfaro
Transaction technology innovation and overnight deposits demand in ItalyFrancesco Columba
Statistical implications of the chosen monetary policy strategy: the Czech casePetr Vojtisek
Gathering predictive information for implementing inflation targeting: the case of PeruAdrian Armas
New challenges for a central bank under dollarization: the experience of Ecuador Amelia Pinto
The value of discrepanciesGrazia Marchese
Quarterly Monetary Union Financial Accounts for ECB Monetary Policy AnalysisReimund Mink
The International Investment Position: Measurement aspects and usefulness for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability issuesFrederic Lambert and Laurent Paul
Euroconversion in international databanksHenk Lub
Discussion comments
Session 2
Issues paperPaul Tucker
The use of macro prudential indicators: The case of Costa RicaWilliam Calvo V
The use of Central Registers for statistical activities in the light of Financial Stability: The experience of the Portuguese central bankOrlando Caliço
Early warning indicators for emerging economiesJohn Hawkins and Marc Klau
The statistical challenges in monitoring Financial StabilityCeleste J Wood
The use of supervisory or other micro-prudential informationRangachary Ravikumar
UK Bank exposures: data sources and financial stability analysisAndrew Gracie and Andrew Logan
Role of financial soundness indicators in surveillance: data sources, uses and limitationsR Sean Craig
Macro-prudential indicators: A pilot compilation exercise for the NetherlandsKees Elfferich and Marjo de Jong
Are data sources adequate for the Federal Reserve?Richard D Porter
Fisher's short stories
Fisher's short stories on wealth 71-74: Prevention of economic wasteArthur Vogt
Short stories on wealth