Fact sheet - Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics


The objective of the IFC is to promote the exchange of views amongst central bank economists, statisticians and policy makers as well as others who want to participate in discussing statistical issues of interest to central banks, including those relating to economic, monetary and financial stability. The IFC in particular strives to strengthen the relationship between compilers of statistics and the community of users and analysts of statistical information, both in and outside central banks. 


IFC institutional members are central banks or international and regional organisations formally involved in central banking issues.


The IFC is a global network of central bank statisticians, economists and policymakers who discuss statistical issues of interest to central banks and develop related methodological work. Its activities are overseen by the BIS All Governors' Meeting.

The Committee is composed of the designated representatives of its institutional members. It elects the Executive which manages the affairs of the IFC in accordance with the decisions and guidelines of the Committee.

Current members of the Executive:

  • Chair: Mr Alberto NAUDON, Central Bank of Chile
  • Vice Chair: Mr Robert KIRCHNER, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Vice Chair: Ms Gloria PENA, Central Bank of Chile
  • Mr Marco CAGETTI, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Mr Michael Machuene MANAMELA, South African Reserve Bank
  • Ms Claudia MANN, European Central Bank
  • Mr Ichiro MUTO, Bank of Japan
  • Mr Usman Moses OKPANACHI, Central Bank of Nigeria
  • Mr Fernando Alberto ROCHA, Central Bank of Brazil
  • Mr Eyal ROZEN, Bank of Israel
  • Mr Luís TELES DIAS, Bank of Portugal


The BIS provides the Secretariat of the Committee. Bruno Tissot, Head of Statistics and Research Support, is the senior BIS official responsible for IFC matters. The Secretariat is also supported by Christian Schmieder and Márcia Cavalinhos.