CPMI - Organisation and governance

The Global Economy Meeting (GEM) is the governing body of the CPMI. The CPMI reports to the GEM and, through the Economic Consultative Committee (ECC), seeks the GEM's endorsement for major decisions. 

The Committee is composed of representatives of its members and meets about three times per year. CPMI members may appoint one representative and one alternate to attend Committee meetings. Decisions are reached by way of consensus among members.

The Committee may establish working groups to perform specifically assigned tasks or functions. 

Chair of the CPMI

Fabio Panetta, Governor of the Bank of Italy

Term: Nov 2023 - present

Head of Secretariat

Tara Rice, Bank for International Settlements

Term: Jun 2020 - present

See the CPMI charter to find out more about the CPMI's organisation and governance.