Various technical amendments and FAQs

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BCBS  | 
05 July 2024
Status:  Open [Upload comments]

To help promote consistent interpretation of the Basel Framework, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision periodically publishes proposals for technical amendments and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). The set of interpretative issues addressed in this document relate to: (i) the standardised approach to credit risk; (ii) cryptoasset exposures; (iii) counterparty credit risk; (iv) the standardised approach to operational risk; (v) the simplified standardised, standardised and internal models approaches to market risk; and (vi) the net stable funding ratio.

The Committee welcomes comments from a broad range of interested stakeholders on the proposed technical amendments, which should be submitted here by 19 August 2024. All submissions will be published on the BIS website unless a respondent specifically requests confidential treatment.