Pillar 3 disclosure requirements: regulatory treatment of accounting provisions

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BCBS  | 
22 March 2018
Status:  Closed

The Committee today released a technical amendment on additional Pillar 3 disclosure requirements for those jurisdictions implementing an expected credit loss (ECL) accounting model as well as for those adopting transitional arrangements for the regulatory treatment of accounting provisions. The amendment is intended to provide users with disclosures that fully reflect any transitional effects for the impact of expected credit loss accounting on regulatory capital, as well as to provide further information on the allocation of accounting provisions in the regulatory categories of general and specific provisions for standardised exposures during the interim period.

Technical amendments are defined as changes in standards that are not substantial in nature but that cannot be unambiguously resolved based on the current text.

The Committee invites comments on the proposed amendment by 4 May 2018. All comments will be published on the website of the Bank for International Settlements unless a respondent specifically requests confidential treatment.