G-SIB Framework: Denominators

The denominators for the G-SIB exercises are set out in the table below. For the full time series of denominators, see this spreadsheet


  Denominators - end year exercise
Category Individual indicator End-2023 End-2022 End-2021 End-2020 End-2019 End-2018 End-2017 End-2016 End-2015 End-2014 End-2013
Size Total exposures as defined for use in the Basel III leverage ratio 104,258 102,639 98,475 85,114 81,321 75,921 73,020 75,901 72,858 73,847 66,313
Cross-jurisdictional activity Cross-jurisdictional claims 25,716 25,129 23,708 20,515 20,445 19,128 18,208 18,678 17,759 17,235 15,801
Cross-jurisdictional liabilities 21,289 21,068 20,357 16,703 16,552 16,019 15,977 16,375 15,884 15,673 14,094
Interconnectedness Intra-financial system assets 10,184 10,123 9,428 7,763 7,755 7,318 6,936 7,834 8,099 7,869 7,718
Intra-financial system liabilities 10,306 10,298 9,848 9,048 8,675 8,230 8,113 8,847 8,899 8,868 7,831
Securities outstanding 17,419 16,084 15,441 13,340 14,694 13,084 13,510 13,337 12,499 12,214 10,836
financial institution infrastructure
Assets under custody 198,624 194,784 208,572 172,492 161,345 142,327 142,600 139,936 128,342 116,181 100,012
Payments 3,191,949 3,111,952 2,798,025 2,490,539 2,311,955 2,141,072 2,041,830 2,156,974 2,262,439 2,132,306 1,850,755
Values of underwritten transactions in debt and equity markets 7,206 6,534 8,733 8,186 6,481 5,685 5,934 5,999 5,952 5,319 4,487
Trading volume fixed income 234,140 217,034 184,219                
Trading volume equities and other securities 201,144 222,946 246,644                
Complexity Notional amount of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives 663,814 610,812 577,787 521,928 555,174 529,824 502,645 530,406 556,827 637,191 639,988
Level 3 assets 727 679 624 524 514 464 387 501 586 658 595
Trading and available-for-sale securities 3,872 3,616 3,705 3,389 3,431 3,120 3,281 3,442 3,255 3,281 3,311

* Unit is EUR billions for all denominators