Basel Committee organisation and governance

The governance structure of the Basel Committee comprises a chair, standing groups focused on risk assessment, supervision, standard-setting and outreach, and the Secretariat hosted by the BIS. The BCBS reports to the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS) - its oversight body - and seeks its endorsement for major decisions.

Chair of the Basel Committee

Erik Thedéen

Term: June 2024-present

Secretary General 

Neil Esho

Term: February 2022-present

About the Basel Committee Chair

The Chair is appointed by the GHOS for a term of three years that can be renewed once. The Chair's main responsibilities are to direct the work of the Committee in accordance with the BCBS mandate, including to:

  • convene and chair BCBS meetings (where attendance is not possible, the Chair may designate the Secretary General to chair the meeting on his/her behalf)
  • monitor the progress of the BCBS work programme and provide operational guidance between meetings to carry forward the decisions and directions of the BCBS
  • report to the GHOS when appropriate
  • represent the BCBS externally and be its principal spokesperson

Past Chairs

2019-24 Pablo Hernández de Cos, Governor, Bank of Spain
2011-19 Stefan Ingves, Governor, Sveriges Riksbank
2006-11      Nout Wellink, President, Netherlands Bank
2003-06 Jaime Caruana, Governor, Bank of Spain
1998-03 William J McDonough, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
1997-98 Tom de Swaan, Executive Director, Netherlands Bank
1993-97 Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Deputy Director General, Bank of Italy
1991-93 E Gerald Corrigan, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
1988-91 Huib J Muller, Executive Director, Netherlands Bank
1977-88 Peter Cooke, Associate Director, Bank of England
1974-77 Sir George Blunden, Executive Director, Bank of England