BIS Representative Office for the Americas

The Representative Office for the Americas in Mexico City was established in 2002 to further develop BIS activities in the Americas in close coordination with the head office in Basel.

The Americas Office's primary activities include:

  • strengthening the relationship of the BIS with central banks and other relevant institutions in the region, and promoting cooperation among them
  • developing research on issues related to regional financial markets, monetary policy or financial stability
  • facilitating the organisation of meetings and networks for central banks to analyse key topics in the region
  • providing the membership the full suite of banking services, including treasury and investment products.

These activities are implemented by the Economics for the Americas (EFTA) team, based in Mexico City.

Consultative Council for the Americas

The Consultative Council for the Americas (CCA) was established in 2008 as an advisory committee to the BIS Board of Directors. It comprises the Governors of BIS member central banks in the Americas: those of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and the United States.

Research for the Americas

The Americas Office organises and coordinates research networks, conferences and working groups to support timely research on issues affecting American economies and financial stability.

Secondment programme

We host a secondment programme for central bank economists for the Americas to foster closer working relationships with shareholding central banks.