Governance and organisation
Section 6 from BIS Annual Report 2018/19
The BIS is governed at three levels. Each of these levels participates in the governance and decision-making related to the BIS activities in the areas of international cooperation, policy analysis, banking operations and resource management.
General Meetings of member central banks
Sixty central banks and monetary authorities are currently members of the BIS, each having rights of voting and representation at General Meetings.
Board of Directors
The Board determines the Bank's strategic and policy direction, supervises BIS Management and fulfils specific tasks as set out in the Bank's Statutes.
BIS Management
The management of the Bank is directed by the General Manager, who is responsible to the Board of Directors for the conduct of the Bank. The General Manager is assisted by the Deputy General manager and advised by the Executive Committee.
The BIS has three main departments. Two of these encompass the two principal activities of the Bank - economic research and banking - while the third provides general internal support.
The Bank's employees are its greatest asset. BIS staff have expertise in finance, banking, risk management, international law, monetary and financial economics, statistics, financial technology and cyber security, among other fields.
Communications and outreach
The BIS takes communications very seriously to reach out to a wide audience and is taking steps to communicate better with its stakeholders and the broader public. In addition, the Bank worked to further strengthen its ties with the city of Basel and Switzerland, and to build better awareness locally of BIS activities.