Comments received on the consultative documents "Principles for enhancing corporate governance"
On 16 March 2010, the Basel Committee released its consultative document Principles for enhancing corporate governance. Interested parties were invited to provide written comments by 15 June 2010. These comments, in PDF format, are available below.
The Committee wishes to thank those who have taken the time and effort to express their views.
American Bankers Association | 272kb |
Association for Financial Markets in Europe | 112kb |
Association of German Banks | 40kb |
BNP Paribas | 32kb |
BPCE-FNCE | 176 kb |
BPCE Credit Mutuel Credit Agricole | 66kb |
Council of Institutional Investors | 30kb |
Ethics Metrics | 125kb |
European Association of Co-operative Banks | 501kb |
Federcasse | 201kb |
French Banking Federation | 18kb |
Hermes equity ownership services | 37kb |
Institut Francais de l'Audit et du Controle Interne | 32kb |
Institute of Internal Auditors | 297kb |
Institute of International Finance | 109kb |
Institutiional Shareholder Services | 130kb |
International Banking Federation | 129kb |
International Corporate Governance Network | 429kb |
International Research Center of Banking and Corporate Governance | 1015kb |
Nestor Advisors | 168kb |
Norges Bank Investment Management | 754kb |
Swiss Banking | 131kb |
Tarek Youssef | 16kb |
University of Reading | 35kb |
Value Alliance | 78kb |