
Upcoming BCBS meetings

  • 23-24 September 2024: Basel Committee meets
  • 19-20 November 2024: Basel Committee meets

Past conferences, workshops and other events

15-16 May 2024 Conference on "Banks' liquidity in volatile macroeconomic and market environments"
24-25 April 2024 50th Anniversary of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and 23rd International Conference of Banking Supervisors
26-27 April 2023 Workshop on Financial regulation, business model innovation and resilience in an evolving macro-economic environment
 (Call for papers)
29 Nov-1 Dec 2022 22nd International Conference of Banking Supervisors
10–11 May 2022 BCBS-CGFS conference "How effective were policy measures in supporting bank lending during the Covid-19 crisis?"
20-21 April 2021

Joint workshop by the Research Task Force of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Deutsche Bundesbank and the Centre for Economic Policy Research, at the Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

19-20 Oct 2020 21st International Conference of Banking Supervisors
12-13 Oct 2020 High-level summary: BCBS TFCR industry workshop on climate-related financial risks
3 Oct 2019 High-level summary: BCBS SIG industry workshop on the governance and oversight of artificial intelligence and machine learning in financial services, Tokyo
9-10 Jul 2019 Joint workshop on the Impact of regulation in a changing world: innovations and new risks by the Research Task Force of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Centre for Economic Policy Research, Basel